Explore the winning videos from the Fishers Filming Fishers Competition
What if you don’t come home.
The SeSAFE project commenced in 2018 funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC), the Australian fishing and aquaculture industry, and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). The goal of this initiative is to raise awareness and improve safety performance in the fishing and aquaculture industry Australia wide.
Australia’s fishers take action to improve industry safety.
“He was doing an activity which happens every day. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work out for him that day, and in an instant his dory was upside dory and he consequently drowned. That makes you stop and think.”
In memory of Ryan Donoghue 23 September 1993 – 23 November 2013
SeSAFE training
SeSAFE training aims to ensure more fishers and aquaculture workers return home safely through the delivery of readily accessible and convenient safety training.
The average number of fatalities of commercial fishers per year on Australian waters.
The number of times more likely a fatality will occur on a commercial fishing boat compared to mining.
The cost in billions of dollars that workplace injuries, illness, and disease cost the Australian economy each year.
The number of injuries and accidents per year on Austalian waters is unknown because the data is unreported.
About SeSAFE
The goal of the SeSAFE project is to raise awareness and improve safety performance in the Australian fishing and aquaculture industry.
A core activity of this project is the development of brief safety training modules (videos) that fishers and others can easily access online or download on a tablet or mobile phone. Several short questions at the end of each module serve to provide a record of module completion and comprehension of module material.
The project slogan, What if you don’t come home? is designed to encourage fishers and others to think about the implications of not coming home from sea.